Join Us on a Journey Through Lent . . . 

The season of Lent is a 40-day reflective journey in the Christian tradition that invites us into a mindful journey toward Easter. During Lent, we receive the universal invitation to return to the ground of our being, to God, and to wholeness of heart. 

Dallas Willard, one of the great contemporary writers on spiritual formation, wrote that each of us is "an unceasing spiritual being with an eternal destiny in God's great universe." To us, that reminds us that our souls are dynamic. On any given day, we move between disintegration and integration. 

God is constantly inviting us toward integration. What's more, God asks us to participate in the process.

Once we embrace that God is inviting us toward wholeness of heart, we can look for how that is happening in a thoroughly individual way. Discovering each "you-shaped" invitation is like receiving a gift that makes you feel completely seen and known by the giver of it.

But discovering these gifts is not automatic. Some of us are well-practiced in discerning the specific invitations of God in our lives. Others of us could use more help with this process. 

Enter More Fully Into God's Invitations . . . 

You are invited to travel with us through Lent as we enter more fully into God's specific invitations in our lives right now. To do this, we're providing the following resources:


  • The Traveler's Pack — a 37-page downloadable resource that helps you discover, explore, and respond to God's personal invitation for growth in the present season of your life


  • Weekly recorded conversations, serving as an audio companion to the process, in which Kirk and Christianne share their journeys of working through the Traveler's Pack resource with the community


  • Mutual discussion and support through the Still Forming private Facebook group 


To join us, sign up for our mailing list below. Once you sign up, you'll gain access to the Traveler's Pack resource and the link to join the private Facebook group. We hope you'll join us! 

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