Repentance Thursday: July 2010
[youtube=] [A short song for reflection on this Repentance Thursday, sung by me.]
Every first Thursday of the month, we take some time to reflect on our thoughts, words, and actions over the previous month in order to confess our need for repentance and forgiveness. If you're new to Repentance Thursday, I encourage you to read the inaugural post expressing the intent and reason for this ritual here.
To participate, feel free to reflect on these questions as you consider the past month in retrospect:
- Into what dark mires did my heart traverse?
- In what ways did I bring harm to my fellow man, either in thought, word, or deed?
- How did I sin against God?
After reflecting on these questions, you are welcome to leave a comment of confession below.
Blessings to you on this holy day. Thank you for joining us.