Repentance Thursday: September 2010

[Holy oil used in a "Service of Repentance" between Lutherans and Mennonites in July 2010. Photo by LWF Eleventh Assembly.]

Hello, friends.

As I mentioned in my post earlier today, today is Repentance Thursday. For those new to this blog, this is a day set apart on the first Thursday of every month where we examine our hearts and confess our own personal need for repentance and forgiveness.

It is an opportunity to remember that we are equal to every human being on earth in our mere humanity and that we, too, contribute to the pain the world endures.

So today, let's reflect on the past month of our lives and then ask ourselves:

  • Into what dark mires did my heart traverse?
  • In what ways did I bring harm to my fellow man, either in thought, word, or deed?
  • How did I sin against God?

Upon reflection, you are welcome to leave a public confession in the comment section below. As always, please note:

  • You are welcome to leave your confession anonymously.
  • You are welcome to make up an e-mail address (since the comment section requires you to provide one).
  • You are welcome to be as general or specific as you want.
  • You are welcome to write your confession as prayer.
  • Any judging or disparaging comments on another's confession will be removed.

Thank you for being here on this Repentance Thursday. May you find peace and a clear heart and mind as you participate in this reflective day with us.