It's All Catching Up to Me Now
Hi there, friends.
I shared in yesterday's post that the transition to a new season of part-time work and attending to the needs of my heart and household was leaving me feeling refreshed and full. But it's amazing to me how different one day can be from the next because today I have such little energy. I think the events of this week have finally caught up with me.
In all truth, it's been a week of significant moments.
There is the tremor that shook the community of which I am a part when my dear friend Kirsten and her husband James lost their little boy after he fought valiantly in his two short weeks of life. It is still quite unreal to me that this is the reality my dear, sweet, beautiful friend is holding right now. It is still almost too tragic to be true. But it is true, and that has been weighing on my heart heavily this week.
And then there was the decision to step away from my full-time job, which has held so much of my heart this year. It was such a difficult decision to make, and it comes with its own share of heartache.
Not only was that decision momentous, but it was followed by an intense two-day transition out of my role there after the decision was made. I wanted to leave well and with all of my cares in order there, so those two days were filled with ensuring I finished well.
Then yesterday brought its own share of transitions. It was the first day of my new chapter, and it was also the first day at my new part-time job. Both of these are exciting realities in my world, and yesterday was indeed a very fun and joy-filled day, but these new realities also carry importance to me. I feel their significance in great measure.
This has indeed been a week, then, of great change, transition, and care.
And like I said above, it has finally begun catching up with me. I've been a bit more sluggish today, able to handle less activity, and altogether just in need of a good, long nap. I think tomorrow I will take myself to a movie. :-)