A Peek Into My World

Mmmm. The light.

Mmmm ... the light.

No big revelations to share today. Just a little peek into my world and what's bringing me joy these days ... 

  • I'm not sure there's any more beautiful light in the day than the sun in its final hour. I just had to capture this photo when I saw the light slanting through like that.
  • See that yellow mini-binder and the white-and-blue one beneath it? Those are my most-prized business assets these days. The yellow mini-binder holds all my ideas and brainstorms for each aspect of work I'm currently doing or presently dreaming up for the future. The white-and-blue folder holds my manifest and notes and exercises for the year-long Tour de Bliss
  • The stack of books in the closest corner of the photo are the ones I read each morning, along with the Scriptures -- my sacred reading for each day that's training me deeper and deeper into my calling. Henri Nouwen and Watchman Nee are my mentors right now in that training process.
  • That blue book in the far left corner of the photo? Simply Jesus by N.T. Wright. A thorough and delightful read on the person of Jesus (my favorite subject!), which is also helping me better hone and shape the future of the Look at Jesus course.
  • See that pair of glasses sitting on the desk? It's one of three pairs I purchased on Zenni Optical for a steal -- I think I got all three pairs for about $30. What?! Yes, I'm totally serious about that. 
  • That little stand-up calendar that you see there is one of two that I made at Christmas for both myself and Kirk. Each month features one of our kitties, all of them among my top favorite pics taken of the kitties last year. 

Just a few glimpses into the space I spend most of my days, doing most of my creative work, doing most of my prayer work, doing most of my reading and writing, doing most of my thinking and dreaming. 

What is your favorite space like?

